Nach einer Übergangszeit von 2 Monaten dürfen nur noch Boote die weiter entfernten Marinepark-Riffe wie Brothers, Deadalus, Rocky etc. anfahren, deren Kapitäne auch ein Kapitänspatent haben - faktisch momentan also keiner
Hier mal der Originaltext, der an die Veranstalter ging:
Dear all,
With reference to the above subject, we are pleased to inform you that HE Gen Bakr El Rashidi Governor of the Red Sea in order not to disrupt contracted trips to the marine parks has agreed a two months grace period with respect to the issue of accredited boat captains and crew on board boats headed for the marine parks.
However , please note that this two months grace period is not extendable and all boat owners /operators should within this period rectify their situation to be in compliance with rules and regulations.
Best regards
Karim Helal